Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Joshua's Song with Pictures


  1. Thank you so much for sharing this, Kristin.... Such beautiful moments, such beautiful photographs! What a keepsake :) Bless you--praying God's joy & peace upon you today...

  2. Amazing! What a special time for your family. I know Joshua is always with you.

  3. Such a beautiful tribute to your beautiful son. I hope you don't mind me reading your story. I followed your blog over from the comment you left on the Stakerz blog (baby Bronson). I was interested in your story not only because your first names are very similar to mine and my husbands (Jon and Krista Carroll), but because we are also angel parents. You're welcome to read about our angel here

    Thank you again for sharing your story. Hang in there friend. The road ahead will prove to be a bit bumpy, but with your faith you will make it through. I found I was more strengthened to endure during my pregnancy, after delivery, and through her burial. It was after she was gone and the dust seemed to be settling that seemed to be more difficult than I thought it would be. You'll be in my thoughts and prayers in the coming weeks and months. Best wishes.

  4. You are in my heart and prayers. What a precious son and wonderful family he came to. Please know that when it feels like everyone has gone back to their lives, that I have not forgotten you are hurting.
    Good luck. Joshua is a lucky boy.

  5. I don't know you, and you don't know me. But I just want to offer my condolences to your sweet family. What an incredible source of faith you have. Thank you for sharing and for setting such a great example for all of us.

  6. I found you through the Stakers blog as well. Your story was incredible. I cried through your whole video. It is so touching. Your baby is precious.

  7. I too found you through the Stakers blog. Thank you for sharing these precious memories of your beautiful baby boy. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

  8. What a beautiful tribute to your son. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.

  9. Hi, Stranger here. What beautiful and strong faith you have! And what a beautiful boy! I am certain that God knows and loves your little family. And I am certain that He has provided a way for families to be together forever, not just as angels that know one another but sealed together as family units, for eternity. You will have your boy again, your still his Mamma. Thanks for sharing your story and your faith with me, now I am going to go love my 4 more than I did a moment ago! Prayers your way!
