Friday, February 26, 2010

Update 2/26/2010 Soon than Later

Baby LeVan may be here sooner than later.

This past week I've just been really tired and emotional. It's not that my faith is changing or getting weaker, but I've realized that for the past 18 weeks all I've done to prepare for this baby is pray and focus on God, which has been great, but I don't even know where to begin with anything else. I hadn't even packed my bags until this morning (because of the contractions I was having. I’m also scheduled to have pregnancy pictures taken this afternoon…not a minute to soon I might add). It's amazing, but I don't think that I would want it any other way.

Last night Jon wasn't home, so I just took a bath and listened to praise and worship music, praising God, praying and crying...good tears...just tears of being in awe of God and tears of being tired and needing to be carried. It was a great time and am so glad that I got this opportunity to spend some good alone time with God. Plus it got me ready for today.

Last night I was awoken every 15 minutes with contractions all night long. Now that I'm awake and moving around, they have subsided. I had to call the doctor at 6:30 a.m. (I’ll leave details out). He said that he thinks that this baby will be coming sooner than later. I wasn't scared or filled with fear...just peace and excitement.

I had my normal doctor’s appointment today and well…I’m 2 cm dilated. He thinks that my body did all of that just last night, so he thinks that I’m going to go really fast once this baby decides to come. The baby is in good alignment, good heart beat and he said he’s expecting to hear from me really soon. (So, I’m thinking oh, sometime next week. Well, when he said I won’t be surprised if I hear from you tonight, I started to cry. YES, I cried…I don’t handle change very well and it was a bit unexpected to hear the words TONIGHT…hahahaha). We are excited…very excited.

So, if you could remember to keep us in your prayers we'd greatly appreciate it. I know that there will be struggles emotionally, physically and mentally still to come, but God is good and ALWAYS faithful and true.

So, this is just a little heads up...we'll fill you in later of any changes...but for now, only time will tell.

Love, Jon and Kristin

P.S. you can pass this info on to anyone you'd like. More people praying the better.

P.S.S.: WHO IS WELCOME TO COME TO THE HOSPITAL: Anyone who wants to come to the hospital to pray and wait with our family is welcome. We will be calling our parents first and then they will start contacting others on the phone tree. When you get the phone call that we are heading to the hospital feel free to call, facebook, e-mail anyone and everyone and let them know that we are at the hospital. The more people praying the better.
We are asking that everyone who is waiting at the hospital have a positive attitude and not focus on the previous medical diagnosis that was given to the baby. We believe that God has healed our baby already. Most importantly, have fun and praise God during this time.

DIRECTIONS: We will be having the baby at Memorial Hospital in South Bend, IN. You will want to follow the signs towards the emergency room. DO NOT turn into the parking garage by the Emergency Room Entrance!!! (You will want this parking garage, just don't enter there) Go strait until the stop sign and turn right. Take this street to the next place you can turn right to go into the parking garage. You will get a ticket…bring it into the hospital with you. Go to the 3rd Floor. This is the labor and delivery unit. There will be a lady at the desk that will stamp your parking ticket so you don’t have to pay.

Thank you all for everything. Love, Jon and Kristin

1 comment:

  1. Jon and Kristin,
    I wanted to let you know that I am praying for you guys as you are in the hospital right now. You're faith and strength through this entire time is so encouraging and has blessed me so much. May God bless you right now for your faith!
    Thank you
